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Thursday, 18 February 2016

Emergency Lighting Glasgow

Emergency lighting is lighting for an emergency situation when the main power supply is cut and any normal illumination fails.  The loss of mains electricity could be the result of a fire or a power cut and the normal lighting supplies fail. This may lead to sudden darkness and a possible danger to the occupants, either through physical danger or panic.
Emergency lighting is normally required to operate fully automatically and give illumination of a sufficiently high level to enable all occupants to evacuate the premises safely. Most new buildings now have emergency lighting installed during construction; the design and type of equipment being specified by the architect in accordance with current Building Regulations and any local authority requirements.
The British Standard provides the emergency lighting designer with clear guidelines to work to. BS 5266-1: 2011 embraces residential hotels, clubs, hospitals, nursing homes, schools and colleges, licensed premises, offices, museums, shops, multi-storey dwellings, etc. Although this standard recommends the types and durations of emergency lighting systems relating to each category of premises, it should be remembered that the standards are the minimum safe standards for these types of building and that a higher standard may be required for a particular installation.

What is emergency lighting
Lighting that automatically comes on when the power supply to the normal lighting provision fails.
Emergency lighting is a general term and is sub-divided into emergency escape lighting and standby lighting.

Emergency escape lighting – that part of an emergency lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people leaving a location or attempting to terminate a potentially dangerous process beforehand. It is part of the fire safety provision of a building and a requirement of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Standby lighting– that part of an emergency lighting system provided to enable normal activities to continue substantially unchanged. This guide does not include standby lighting as it is not a legal requirement and is a facility that may or may not be needed, depending on the use and occupancy of the premises, etc.
Emergency escape lighting is itself sub-divided into escape route lighting, open area lighting and high risk task area lighting.

Escape route lighting – that part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to ensure that the means of escape can be effectively identified and safely used by occupants of the building.
Exit light
Emergency Exit Light
Open area lighting (in some countries known as anti-panic lighting) – that part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to minimise panic and ensure there is sufficient illumination to allow the occupants of a building to reach a place where an escape route can be identified.
Bulkhead emergency lighting
Bulkhead emergency lighting
High risk task area lighting – that part of an emergency escape lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people involved in a potentially dangerous process or situation and to enable proper shut-down procedures for the safety of the operator and other occupants of the premises.

Consultation and design

The first stage of installing emergency escape lighting is consultation and design. The designer, responsible person and fire risk assessor should meet and decide where the escape lighting is required and mark up a plan showing the areas to be covered, the type (power supply), mode of operation, facilities and duration.

Type (power supply)

Self-Contained – Single Point
  • The installation is faster and cheaper
  • Standard wiring material may be used. Failure of mains supply due to cable
  • burn-through will automatically satisfy the requirement for a luminaire to be lit
  • Low maintenance costs – periodic test and general cleaning only required
  • Low hardware equipment costs – no requirement for extended wiring, special ventilation etc.
  • The integrity of the system is greater because each luminaire is independent of the others
  • System can easily be extended with additional luminaires
  • No special sub-circuit monitoring requirements
  • The environmental conditions will vary throughout the system and batteries may be adversely affected by a relatively high or low ambient temperature
  • Battery life is limited to between 2 and 4 years, dependent upon the application
  • Testing requires isolation and observation of luminaires on an individual basis
In general, the decision to use either a central battery or a self-contained system is likely to be cost determined. If an installation has longevity and low maintenance as priorities, then the higher cost of a central battery may be acceptable on a very large project. Typically, luminaire and installation costs are a major consideration, particularly on smaller jobs, and it is this criterion which makes the self-contained luminaire the most popular choice.
Central Battery Source
  • Maintenance and routine testing is easier, with only one location to consider
  • The life of a battery is between 5 and 25 years, dependent upon type
  • Environmentally stable in a protected environment; the luminaire can operate at relatively high or low ambient temperatures
  • Large batteries are cheaper per unit of power and luminaires are usually less expensive
  • High capital equipment costs
  • The cost of the installation and system wiring is high because fire resisting cable like MICC or Pirelli FP200 type is required to each satellite luminaire
  • Poor system integrity – failure of battery or wiring circuit can disable a large part of the system
  • A requirement for ‘battery room’ to house cells and charger circuits, etc; ventilation of acid gases may also be needed
  • Localised mains failure may not trigger operation of emergency lighting in that area
  • Voltage drop on the luminaire wired furthest from the central battery could become a problem

Mode of operation

Maintained or non-maintained is the principal consideration, which is decided by the use of the premises.
Maintained emergency luminaire: a luminaire in which the emergency lighting lamps are on at all times.
Maintained mode is generally used in places of assembly such as theatres, cinemas, clubs and halls; the full list is contained in BS 5266. The lights are typically dimmed when these premises are occupied and the emergency escape lighting prevents total darkness.
Non-maintained emergency luminaire: a luminaire whose emergency lamps only come on when the power supply to the normal lighting fails. Non-maintained is the typical mode in a workplace or similar environment in which artificial lighting is normally deployed while the premises are occupied.
Combined emergency luminaire: a luminaire containing two or more lamps, at least one of which is energized from the emergency lighting supply and the other(s) from the normal lighting supply. A combined emergency luminaire can be either maintained or non-maintained.
Compound self-contained emergency luminaire: a luminaire providing maintained or non-maintained emergency lighting and also the emergency power supply to a satellite luminaire.
Satellite emergency luminaire: a luminaire for maintained or non-maintained operation and which derives its emergency operation supply from an associated compound self-contained emergency luminaire.


A) Luminaire including test device: the luminaire contains a self-test module for testing purposes.
B) Luminaire including remote test device: the system is tested remotely by a centralised panel.
C) Luminaire with inhibiting mode: a control mode used to inhibit the emergency lighting luminaire from operating, thus preventing the discharge of the emergency lighting batteries at times when the building is unoccupied. If a mains failure occurs at such a time, the batteries will remain fully charged so that the building can be occupied when required. It is performed by an inhibitor switch that must be interfaced with other building services so that the premises cannot be inadvertently occupied without the emergency lighting being recommissioned.
D) High risk task luminaire: for risk task area lighting in areas of high risk, the maintained luminance shall not be less than 10% of the required maintained luminance for the task under normal lighting conditions. This will be subject to a minimum luminance of 15 lux. The uniformity ratio for task area lighting should be a minimum of 10:1 (0.1). The minimum duration shall be the period for which the risk presents to occupants.

Duration in minutes

The time required to evacuate the premises depends on their size and complexity. The duration itself is dependent not only on evacuation time but also on whether the premises are evacuated immediately the power and normal lighting fails and / or are reoccupied immediately the supply is restored. The minimum duration of an emergency escape lighting system is 1 hour.
A minimum duration of 3 hours should be used for emergency escape lighting if the premises are not evacuated immediately, as in the case of sleeping accommodation, for example, or if the premises will be reoccupied immediately the supply is restored without waiting for the batteries to be recharged.
One hour’s duration should only be used if the premises are evacuated immediately on supply failure and not reoccupied until full capacity has been restored to the batteries.
BS 5266 contains detailed information on the recommended duration of systems in various premises.

Emergency lighting classifications

The old NM or M classification with duration in hours has been replaced with a code consisting of letter/number/letter/number, as follows:
1) Type
X – self-contained
Y – central battery
2) Mode of operation
0 non-maintained
1 maintained
2 combined non-maintained
3 combined maintained
4 compound non-maintained
5 compound maintained
6 satellite
3) Facilities 
A including test device
B including remote test device
C including inhibiting mode
D high risk task luminaire
4) Duration in minutes.
10, 60,120 or 180
The classification is expressed as per the following example:
[x][0][***][180] – Self-contained, Non-maintained, ***, 3 hours duration.
***    This is added as applicable at the time of installation.

Emergency Luminaires

Self-contained emergency luminaire: a luminaire providing maintained or non-maintained emergency lighting in which all the components, such as the battery, charging circuit, mains ballast, lamp, control unit, test and monitoring facilities (where provided) are contained within the luminaire or adjacent to it, i.e. within 1m cable length.
Centrally supplied emergency luminaire: a luminaire for maintained or non-maintained operation, which is energized from a central emergency power system that is not contained within the luminaire. Only the lamp (and an inverter if fluorescent) is located within the luminaire body, with the supply on power failure being fed from a centralised point.
The majority of systems installed in the United Kingdom are of the self-contained type, but both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Siting of luminaires and emergency signs

Having decided on your basic system, consideration should now be given to the siting of the lighting units and signs within the particular premises involved. This will then form the basis on which your selection of equipment can be made. Safelincs has provided a graphical guide for the location of emergency lights.
Lighting units and signs should be sited so as to clearly show the exit routes leading to the final exits from the premises. Where the exit route or final exit is not readily identifiable, a sign should be utilised rather than a lighting unit. Particular attention should be paid to individual stairways, changes in floor level, corridor intersections, changes in direction, the outside of each final exit, control / plant rooms, lifts, toilet areas over 8m2 (although there is an argument for providing all toilets with public access, and especially those for the disabled, with emergency lighting). Access to fire alarm call points and fire fighting equipment should be clearly illuminated.
In general, if careful consideration is given to siting the luminaires and signs to cover these areas, the completed scheme will meet most requirements.
It is not necessary to provide individual lights (luminaires) for each item above, but there should be a sufficient overall level of light to allow them to be visible and usable.
N.B: detailed computer point calculations or luminaire manufacturer’s spacing tables should be used. The above is a brief summary and we recommend that the appropriate standard is studied to gain a full understanding of what is involved.

How much light?

BS 5266 recommends the provision of horizontal illumination at floor level along the centre line of a defined escape route (permanently unobstructed) not less than 1 lux, and 0.5 lux for anti-panic areas, to exclude a 0.5m border around the route. In addition, for escape routes of up to 2m wide, 50% of the route width should be lit to a minimum of 1 lux. Wider escape routes can be treated as a number of 2m wide bands. The actual degree of illumination should be closely related to the nature of both the premises and its occupants, with special consideration being given to care homes for the elderly, hospitals, crowded venues such as pubs, nightclubs and supermarkets, and to whether or not the premises have overnight accommodation, e.g. hotels.
The level of illumination in certain rooms and areas within a building will vary depending on their use; all this information is contained in the appendices to BS 5266-1: 2011.
N.B: The above is a brief summary and we recommend that the appropriate standard is studied to gain a full understanding of what is involved. electricians

Commissioning Certificate and Logbook

BS 5266 and the European Standard both require written declarations of compliance to be available on site for inspection.  These should detail the quality of the installation and its conformance to IEE regulations, including the main circuit of the normal lighting system feeding non-maintained fittings.
Photometric performance is required and evidence of compliance with light levels has to be supplied by the system designer.
On completion of the installation of the emergency lighting system, or part thereof, a completion certificate should be supplied by the installer to the occupier / owner of the premises.
A declaration of satisfactory test of operation is necessary and a log of all system tests and results must be maintained. System logbooks, with commissioning forms, testing forms and instructions, should be provided by the installer. A free fire safety logbook with sections for emergency lighting tests can be downloaded free from Safelincs.


Finally, to ensure that the system remains at full operational status, essential servicing should be specified. This would usually be performed as part of the testing routine, but in the case of consumable items such as replacement lamps, spares should be provided for immediate use.

Servicing and testing

To test an emergency lighting system, a mains power failure on the normal lighting circuit / circuits or individual luminaries must be simulated. This will force the emergency lighting system to operate via the battery supply. This test can be carried out manually or automatically.
Manual testing
A simulated mains failure can be achieved by providing a switch to isolate all lighting circuits / individual circuits / individual luminaires. If manual testing is utilised, the following points should be considered:
In a system with a single switch for the whole building or a large circuit, after simulating the mains failure it is necessary for the tester to walk the whole building or circuit, to check all emergency luminaire are operating correctly. After restoring the mains supply, the whole building or circuit must be walked again, to check that the emergency lights are recharging.
If the emergency luminaires are individually switched, only a single walk around the building will be needed. However, the test switches could spoil the decor of the building and they must be of a type that is tamper proof. After the tests, it is recommended that the performance of the system is logged in the fire safety logbook.
Automatic testing
If the costs of an engineer’s time and the disruption caused by manual testing are excessive, self-testing emergency lighting should be considered. Different formats are available to match particular site requirements. However, the results of the monthly and annual tests must still be recorded.
General information about emergency lighting testing
BS EN 50172:2004 / BS 5266-8:2004 (Emergency escape lighting systems) specifies the minimum provision and testing of emergency lighting for different premises. Additional information on servicing can be found in BS 5266-1: 2011 (Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises).
The system should include adequate facilities for testing the system condition. These need to be appropriate for the specific site and should be considered as part of the system design. Discussions with the user or system designer should identify the calibre and reliability of staff available to do the testing and the level of difficulty in performing the test
Discharge tests need to be undertaken outside normal working hours. In buildings that are permanently occupied, the test should be phased so only alternate luminaires are tested.
When automatic testing devices (self-testing emergency lights) are used, the information shall be recorded monthly and annually. For all other systems, the tests shall be carried out as described below and the results recorded.
Regular servicing is essential. The occupier / owner of the premises shall appoint a competent person to supervise servicing of the system. This person shall be given sufficient authority to ensure the carrying out of any work necessary to maintain the system in correct operational mode.
Routine inspections and tests
Where national regulations do not apply, the following shall be met:
Because of the possibility of a failure of the normal lighting supply occurring shortly after a period of testing of the emergency lighting system or during the subsequent recharge period, all full duration tests shall, wherever possible, be undertaken just before a time of low risk to allow for battery recharge. Alternatively, suitable temporary arrangements shall be made until the batteries have been recharged.
The following minimum inspections and tests shall be carried out at the intervals recommended below. The regulating authority may require specific tests.
Daily emergency lighting inspection (only for central back-up systems)
This check only applies to emergency lighting systems with one central back-up battery system. In this case, there is a daily visual inspection of indicators on the central power supply to identify that the system is operational. No test of operation is required. This test does not apply to emergency lighting with self-contained back-up batteries in each unit (standard emergency lighting).
Monthly emergency lighting tests
All emergency lighting systems must be tested monthly. The test is a short functional test in accordance with BS EN 50172:2004 / BS 5266-8:2004.
The period of simulated failure should be sufficient for the purpose of this test while minimising damage to the system components, e.g. lamps. During this period, all luminaires and signs shall be checked to ensure that they are present, clean and functioning correctly.
A test for the full rated duration of the emergency lights (e.g. 3 hours) must be carried out. The emergency lights must still be working at the end of this test.
The result must be recorded and, if failures are detected, these must be remedied as soon as possible.

British and European Standards – Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting is now covered by a series of interdependent standards that can be seen as forming a hierarchy as shown below.
Base guidance document
BS 5266-1: 2011 Code of practice for emergency lighting of premises. Gives general rules and guidance on the provision and operation of emergency lighting in most premises other than dwelling houses.
System standards
BS EN 1838:1999 / BS 5266-7:1999 Lighting applications – emergency lighting. Specifies the illumination to be provided by emergency lighting (including luminance, duration and colour).
BS EN 50172:2004 / BS 5266-8:2004 Emergency escape lighting systems. Specifies the minimum provision and testing of emergency lighting for different premises.
Product standards
BS EN 60598-1: 2008 Luminaires.  General requirements and tests. See the 60598 series for particular requirements.
BS EN 62034:2006 Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escape lighting. Specifies a test system for battery powered emergency lighting
BS EN 50171:2001 Central power supply systems. Specifies central power supply systems for emergency lighting luminaries.

Visit your local reference library or purchase copies of the requisite standards from BSI online; insert the BS number to see which titles are current. The links may not be inclusive but will give an indication of the guidance available.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Electrician for landlords in Glasgow

Introduction of mandatory electrical safety checks 

03 Feb 2016 WES ELECTRICAL 0141 8405236
Electricians westend glasgow 
You may be aware the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced a mandatory requirement for electrical testing in privately rented properties.
This will be implemented in due course through guidance from Scottish Ministers.

The Scottish Government are in the process of drafting guidance. In summary the proposal is: -
(1) Any new tenancy from 1 December 2015 must have an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
(2) Any existing tenancy must have an EICR by 1 December 2016, so there will be a 1 year period to bring existing tenancies up to standard.
(3) An EICR which complies with BS7671 completed by a competent person since 1 January 2012 will be acceptable.
(4) An EICR completed on or after 1 December 2015 must have additional documents to show a record of appliances checked and any remedial work undertaken, but these additional documents won’t be required if the EICR was completed earlier.
(5) An ongoing duty to renew EICRs every 5 years.
SAL and the CLA are working closely with the Scottish Government as the guidance is being drafted, and have already been successful in ensuring that the proposed guidance allows for existing EICR certificates carried out before the legislation is implemented to remain valid. 

We will keep members informed of any developments in relation to electrical safety checks and we will issue the finalised guidance to members as soon as it has been published.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Benefits of electrical heating

The Benefits of Electric Heating

Electric heating is making something of a comeback. With natural gas prices soaring and uncertainty in its future availability, electric heating systems are the preferred choice of those who wish an efficient heating system and peace of mind with a more environmentally friendly alternative to gas central heating. So what are the benefits of an electric heating system?

What is Electric Heating?

Essentially, an electric heating system converts electricity into heat. Like an electric kettle, the electric boiler heats water via an element then pumps the water throughout the building’s radiator network. Domestic systems require a boiler but, because of their smaller size compared to gas boilers, they can be situated more discreetly and in smaller spaces.

Efficiency of Electric Heating

Compared to gas central heating, electrical is far more efficient and reliable:

Helping Your Pocket

Because of the simplicity of electric boilers, electric heating users rest safe in the knowledge that there is little or no energy waste. In addition, electricity usage for heating can be monitored accurately, which helps future domestic budgets.
Users of electric central heating systems can have lower running costs than gas users as they have the option of peak avoidance tariffs to help keep running costs down, something gas users cannot use for their central heating. In the UK, two popular tariffs are Economy 7 and Economy 10. Economy 7 splits electricity use for heating into day and night (7 hours on an off-peak rate during the night). Economy 10 offers 10 hours of off-peak electricity. The beauty of these tariffs means that you have the choice of running heating and other appliances during off-peak times.

Helping the Environment

Both gas and electricity prices have suffered in recent years. Most electricity is created from gas-fired power stations so if gas prices rise so do electricity prices. However, the move towards sustainable electricity generation is well underway. Wind farms account for increasing amounts of generated electricity year on year, and governments around the world continue to collaborate to make electricity more abundant and affordable. This type of electricity generation is not only good for the environment; it is good for end users reliant on electricity for heating. Another environmental benefit of electric heating is that there are no emissions. This not only has a positive effect on the wider environment, but also within buildings as it maintains cleaner, healthier living and working spaces.


Funding For Renewable Technologies in Scotland

To encourage people to install renewable technologies the Government has devised a scheme whereby financial incentives are available via grants.

For Solar Thermal and Ground Source Heat Pumps

Scottish Community Householder Renewables Initiative (SCHRI):

Planning permission for solar panels

From 6th April 2008 the Government legislation ruled that the installation will not require planning permission and will be classed as a permitted development. This may not apply if the building is within a conservation area or on a listed building).
More information is available from the Energy Saving Trust.

Building Regulations for solar panels

Building Control supervision may be required for some types of roof, particularly where load-bearing capacity is in question or where considerable aging of structure is evident. C Hanlon can help you identify and solve any issue which you have with your roof.

Further Information – the Energy Saving Trust

The Energy Saving Trust offers free, impartial, expert advice about home energy efficiency and local grant schemes.

Use a Qualified electrician!

Why You Should Use a Professional Electrician

Most people are sensible when it comes to working with electricity: they call in a professional or someone who is qualified. Carrying out electricity work isn’t like plumbing work. Anyone with basic DIY skills can change a tap. If you do it wrong, you’ll get wet. Botch an electricity job and you can die.

Check Laws and Regulations in Glasgow

NICEIC Accredited Electricians
NICEIC Accredited Electricians
Always do some research into laws concerning electrician work. They are changed regularly and often restrict the type of job unqualified electricians or the homeowner are allowed to carry out. In some countries, only certified people can carry out electrical installation work, or the work must be certified upon completion.
Some electrical work, such as repairs on existing circuits, can be undertaken immediately, while some work, such as adding new circuits, must be sanctioned by the local authority before the job is carried out. For this reason, it is best to always use a qualified, professional electrician who will assess the job, notify the local authority if necessary, and certify the finished work.


Certified electricians not only have the technical knowledge and expertise to carry out an electricity job to a high standard, they will also have the requisite knowledge of how to work safely. Sometimes it’s not enough just to know to switch off the electricity supply at the mains, remove relevant fuses and seal the fuse panel, or test that the supply really is off.
Professional electricians will obviously know all the correct procedures to carry out before starting the job, but they will also ensure that the working environment is safe, and work safely with additional tools and electrical components.

Differences Between Pros and DIYers

While DIY enthusiasts may think they know the ins and outs of carrying out an electrical job, technical details and experience separate the amateurs from professionals. Professional, qualified electricians will know the following:

Check Qualifications

Would you trust someone who is unqualified to rewire your home or business, or repair a faulty circuit? Make sure the electrician you use is fully qualified. In the UK, make sure the electrician is either NICEIC, ECA or ELECSA certified. This will give you peace of mind knowing that the job will be done safely and no damage will occur to your property.
EICR Glasgow

Central Heating Options

Central Heating – What’s The Right System For You?

When it comes to choosing a central heating system, it pays to be informed. Heating your home, especially in colder climates, is of huge importance to not only personal health, but also the health of the building and your bank balance.
With various types of central heating available, each offering different benefits, let’s look at three of the most common: gas, oil and LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas). All three are ideal for home heating needs – central heating, water, fires, ovens and cookers, but vary in suitability, installation and efficiency.


Gas is the most common type of central heating system. Also known as a “wet system”, a gas-fired boiler heats up the water which is then pumped round the radiators, one, sometimes two in each room, as well as providing hot water for taps. It is probably the most affordable system, and is also safe and reliable if serviced often.
Gas central heating is highly efficient and offers a good return on units of energy used. Efficiency does depend on radiator type, however, with the two most common types being cast iron and aluminium. Radiators made from cast iron are the best option because they retain heat well and continue to disperse it long after the heating is turned off.
The efficiency of gas systems must be weighed against other factors, however. Gas prices are increasing as the supply gets scarcer. But if your property is unfit for on-site storage of fuels, and you already have a gas supply, it may be your only option, and if your home is not already connected to the gas network, connection can be costly and disruptive.


Oil heating systems are viable if your property is not connected to mains gas or live in rural areas. They operate similarly to gas systems as the fuel heats the water which is then pumped round the home, and should have the same thermostatic controls and timers. The biggest difference is that the oil needs to be stored in a tank, which can be over or underground, and fresh supplies delivered.
Like natural gas, oil is very efficient, giving a good return for energy used. Some manufacturers claim 97% efficiency*, which is good from both heating and money-saving points of view.
One main misconception about oil central heating is that it is smelly. This may have been the case with older steel tanks, which are prone to corrosion if not cleaned out regularly, but most modern tanks are made from plastic, extremely hard wearing and virtually odour free.


LPG has a growing popularity when it comes to choosing a central heating system. From a green point of view, compared to other fossil fuels, LPG has the lowest level of carbon emissions, poses no pollution threat to the soil or water, and burns very cleanly with few emissions.
Like oil systems, the fuel needs to be stored in tanks or cylinders, which makes it a more viable option for rural properties or properties with plenty of land storage space, although LPG tanks are usually stored underground, which means minimal impact on the look of the land. Also, tank installation is cheaper than oil tank installation.

Making the Choice

When you choose a central heating system, become informed, weigh up the pros and cons of each system, contact experienced and reputable heating installation company for advice and quotation, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you have the right system for your home; one that is efficient and cost effective.

Pat testing Giffnock Glasgow

Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments

This leaflet explains the simple and sensible precautions that need to be taken to prevent danger from portable or movable electrical equipment in low-risk environments, such as offices, shops, some parts of hotels and residential care homes.
It also provides examples of this sort of equipment to help you decide what you need to do to maintain portable appliances in your workplace.

What does the law say?

You must maintain electrical equipment if it can cause danger, but the law* does not say how you must do this or how often. You should decide the level of maintenance needed according to the risk of an item becoming faulty, and how the equipment is constructed. You should consider:
  • the increased risk if the equipment isn’t used correctly, isn’t suitable for the job, or is used in a harsh environment; and
  • if the item is not double insulated, for example some kettles are earthed but some pieces of hand-held equipment, such as hairdryers, are usually double insulated. See page 4 for more information on earthed equipment and double insulated equipment.
    This includes any electrical equipment your employees use at work, whether it is their own or supplied by you. You have a joint responsibility to maintain any equipment used by your employees that is either leased (eg a photocopier) or provided by a contractor (but not equipment both provided and used by a contractor).
    You will need to check periodically if any work needs doing. How you do this depends on the type of equipment.

Not every electrical item needs a portable appliance test (PAT)

In some cases, a simple user check and visual inspection is enough, eg checking for loose cables or signs of fire damage and, if possible, checking inside the plug for internal damage, bare wires and the correct fuse.
Other equipment, eg a floor cleaner or kettle, may need a portable appliance test, but not necessarily every year.
* Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Page 1 of 6
Health and Safety Executive

How do I ensure the safety of electrical equipment?
  • Encourage employees to look at the supply cable to the electrical equipment before they use it (user check).
  • Encourage employees to look at electrical equipment before they use it (user check).
  • Make sure that all portable equipment is visually inspected at initial intervals which could be between six months and four years, depending on the type of equipment. See the last bullet point on this list and Table 1 at the end of this leaflet for more information.
  • Arrange for equipment that is not double insulated to have a portable appliance test (including leads) at initial intervals which could be between one and five years, depending on the type of equipment.
  • Ensure that damaged or faulty equipment is recognised, removed from use without delay and either:
    repaired by someone competent (ie with suitable training, skills and
    knowledge for the task to prevent injury to themselves or others); or
    disposed of to prevent its further use – consult your local authority about
    arrangements for disposing of electrical equipment.
  • Review your maintenance system to determine whether you could decrease or
    increase your inspection and/or testing intervals. You may find it useful to keep records of all inspections and tests, and to label equipment with the result and date of the test, but there is no legal requirement to do either of these things.
    Table 1 at the end of this leaflet gives an initial indication of where a visual inspection should be sufficient and where testing may be needed in order to comply with the law. It also suggests initial intervals for the different types of checks.

    User checks, visual inspection and portable appliance tests

    User checks

    These should be carried out before most electrical equipment is used, with the equipment disconnected. Employees should look for:
  • damage to the lead including fraying, cuts or heavy scuffing, eg from floor box covers;
  • damage to the plug, eg to the cover or bent pins;
  • tape applied to the lead to join leads together;
  • coloured wires visible where the lead joins the plug (the cable is not being
    gripped where it enters the plug);
  • damage to the outer cover of the equipment itself, including loose parts or
  • signs of overheating, such as burn marks or staining on the plug, lead or piece
    of equipment;
  • equipment that has been used or stored in unsuitable conditions, such as wet
    or dusty environments or where water spills are possible; and
  • cables trapped under furniture or in floor boxes.

    Visual inspections

    To carry out a visual inspection you don’t need to be an electrician, but you do need to know what to look for and you must also have sufficient knowledge to avoid danger to yourself and others.
    Simple training can equip you (or a member of staff) with some basic electrical knowledge to enable you to carry out a visual inspection competently.
Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments Page 2 of 6
As part of the visual inspection, you should consider whether:
  • the electrical equipment is being used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • the equipment is suitable for the job;
  • there has been any change of circumstances; and
  • the user has reported any issues.
    The visual inspection should include the checks carried out by the user and, where possible, will include removing the plug cover and checking internally that:
  • there are no signs of internal damage, overheating or water damage to the plug;
  • the correct fuse is in use and it’s a proper fuse, not a piece of wire, nail etc;
  • the wires including the earth, where fitted, are attached to the correct terminal
    (see Figure 1);
  • the terminal screws are tight;
  • the cord grip is holding the outer part (sheath) of the cable tightly; and
  • no bare wire is visible other than at the terminals.
For equipment/cables fitted with moulded plugs only the fuse can be checked.
Health and Safety Executive

Portable appliance test (PAT)

A portable appliance test does not need to be carried out by an electrician, but greater knowledge and experience is needed than for inspection alone, and the person performing the test must have the right equipment for the task. They should know how to use the test equipment and how to interpret the results.
Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments Page 3 of 6

Health and Safety Executive

It is important to continue to carry out user checks on electrical equipment that has been tested. This is because portable appliance testing can only give an indication of the safety of an appliance at the time of the test and does not imply that the item will be safe for a further period of time.
The person carrying out the test should not assess when the next test will be due as this decision should be 
made by you on a risk assessment basis.

Portable and movable equipment

A portable or movable electric appliance is any item that can be moved, either connected or disconnected from an electrical supply. Portable or movable items generally have a lead (cable) and a plug.
Portable and movable equipment includes the following:
  • electrical equipment that can be easily moved around, such as kettles, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, portable heaters, fans, desk lamps, some TVs, radios, some small electric cookers, PC projectors, small appliances such as irons, hair dryers and kitchen equipment including food mixers, toasters etc;
  • larger items that could be moved (but only rarely), eg water chillers, fridges, microwaves, photocopiers, vending machines, washing machines, electric cookers, fax machines, desktop computers, electric beds etc are considered to be movable items;
  • hand-held items, such as hairdryers, that do not have a plug but have been wired in (or fixed) are still considered to be portable appliances, but large electrical items, such as water boilers that are wired in, are not portable appliances as they are not designed to be moved and would come under the scope of fixed installation maintenance;
  • mobile phone and other battery-charging equipment that is plugged into the mains (but the phones themselves and any other battery-operated equipment would not be included); and
  • extension leads, multi-way adaptors and connection leads. 

    Earthed equipment and double insulated equipment

    When deciding whether to test electrical equipment, you need to consider the type of construction of the equipment in use. There are two basic types of electrical equipment construction – Class I (earthed) and Class II (double insulated).

    Earthed equipment

    For safety reasons, Class I equipment has an earth connection. If there is a fault within the equipment there is a possibility that the outside of the equipment could cause an electric shock if the earth connection is not there. As a result, it is recommended that Class I equipment has a portable appliance test to ensure the earth connection is sound.

    Double insulated equipment

    Class II equipment is sometimes referred to as ‘double insulated’ equipment. This means that there is extra insulation within the construction of the equipment to prevent accidental contact with live parts, even if there is a fault.
    Class II equipment does not need an earth connection to maintain safety. It will not need a portable appliance test, although you should ensure that user checks and visual inspections are carried out as the integrity of the equipment casing is a key safety feature.

  • ▬  Cables, leads and plugs connected to Class II equipment should be maintained as part of that equipment. Cables, leads and plugs not dedicated to an item of equipment should be maintained as individual items as appropriate.
  • ▬  Over time, when you look at the results of user checks, visual inspections and, where appropriate, portable appliance tests, you will notice trends. These may tell you that you need to look at or test electrical equipment less (or more) often, depending on the number of problems being found. Some examples of how to do this are shown on our website (
  • ▬  If electrical equipment is grouped together for testing at the same time, you should use the shortest testing interval in the group rather than the longest. Alternatively, it may be appropriate to group your electrical equipment by testing interval.

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